It is not man's consciousness that determines being, but on the contrary, their social being that determines his consciousness.
Karl Marx
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Karl Marx
The less you eat, drink, buying books and going to the theater, think, love, teorizas, sing,suffer, sports practices, etc.., More and more economizas grow your capital. Are you less but have more. So all passions and activities are swallowed up by greed.
Karl Marx
Philosophers have been limited to interpreting the world in many ways, what matters ischanging it.
Karl Marx
Religion is the sigh of the overwhelmed child, the heart of a heartless world, as well asthe spirit of an age without spirit. It is the opium of the people.
Karl Marx
Religion is the opium of the people.
Karl Marx
If the silkworms weave to connect the two ends, continuing to be a caterpillar, the employee would be perfect.
Karl Marx
The workers have no country.
Karl Marx
Men make their own history, but do not make it under circumstances of their choice, butunder those faced by existing already, given and transmitted from the past ...
Karl Marx
Come on, get out! Last words are for fool who did not speak enough!
Karl Marx